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Israeli-Linked Tanker Seized Off Coast of Yemen in Latest Maritime Attack Amid Ongoing Israel-Hamas Conflict

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Key takeaways:

  • A tanker linked to Israel was seized off the coast of Yemen on Sunday, Nov. 26.
  • The USS Mason responded to a distress call from the commercial ship M/V Central Park, which was under attack.
  • The seizure of the tanker linked to Israel is the latest in a series of maritime attacks in the region, and highlights the ongoing tensions between Israel and Hamas.

A tanker linked to Israel was seized off the coast of Yemen on Sunday, Nov. 26, according to authorities. While no group has yet claimed responsibility, the incident follows two other maritime attacks in recent days that have been linked to the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict.

The USS Mason, part of the Eisenhower Carrier Strike Group, responded to a distress call from the commercial ship M/V Central Park, which was under attack. The Central Park was carrying an unspecified cargo when it was seized.

Two ballistic missiles were fired from Houthi-controlled areas in Yemen towards the USS Mason, a U.S. Arleigh-Burke class destroyer. The missiles landed in the Gulf of Aden about 11 miles from the ship, but no injuries or damage were reported.

Five armed individuals then debarked the ship and attempted to flee in a small boat. The incident is still under investigation, and it is unclear what the attackers’ motives were.

The seizure of the tanker linked to Israel is the latest in a series of maritime attacks in the region, and highlights the ongoing tensions between Israel and Hamas. It is unclear what the outcome of the investigation will be, and what the implications of the attack will be for the region.

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