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Israeli-Hamas Cease-Fire Back on Track as 17 More Hostages Freed, Including First American

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Key takeaways:

  • 17 hostages, including 14 Israelis and the first American, were freed under a four-day truce
  • The Israeli military has warned people in the south of the strip not to return to the north
  • The Ministry of Health in Gaza has put out a call for help at Kamal Adwan Hospital

The fragile cease-fire between Israel and Hamas was back on track Sunday as the militants freed 17 more hostages, including 14 Israelis and the first American, in a third set of releases under a four-day truce. The hostages ranged in age from 4 to 84 and included Abigail Edan, a 4-year-old girl whose parents were killed in the Hamas attack that started the war on Oct. 7.

U.S. President Joe Biden said of the first American freed, “What she endured was unthinkable,” adding that she was “very sick and was in need of immediate medical help.” The Israeli military has warned people in the south of the strip not to return to the north where it is conducting military operations.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Health in Gaza today put out a call asking for help at Kamal Adwan Hospital in north of the besieged enclave. It said the hospital is under “enormous work pressure, especially in the specialties of obstetrics, children, nursery, surgery and orthopedics.” In a statement, the ministry urged any available medical and nursing personnel to go to hospital to assist the staff already there.

Hamas also announced the death of Ahmed al-Ghandour, who was in charge of northern Gaza and a member of its top military council. It is unclear if his death is related to the ongoing conflict.

The four-day truce between Israel and Hamas is set to expire on Monday, and the U.S. has expressed hope that it will be extended. The fate of the region remains uncertain, as both sides continue to negotiate for a lasting peace.

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