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Israeli Cabinet Official’s Admission Sheds Light on Government’s Actions in Ongoing Conflict with Hamas

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Key takeaways:

  • Public Security Minister Gilad Dichter said that the country is “rolling out the Gaza Nakba,” referring to the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.
  • The conflict has been the gravest crisis in Israel in a half century and is being led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is now overwhelmingly discredited within his own country.
  • The international community is watching the conflict closely, and the Israeli government is facing increased pressure to find a peaceful resolution.

A recent admission by an Israeli cabinet official has shed light on the government’s actions in the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas. On a television program over the weekend, Public Security Minister Gilad Dichter said that the country is “rolling out the Gaza Nakba,” referring to the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.

Dichter noted that the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) is unable to wage war with masses between the tanks and the soldiers, and that the images of northern Gaza residents evacuating south are comparable to images of the 1948 Nakba.

The conflict has been the gravest crisis in Israel in a half century and is being led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is now overwhelmingly discredited within his own country. Last week, the right wing daily Israel HaYom called on Netanyahu to resign at the close of the war.

The public rejection of Netanyahu has not faded as the war enters its second month, and the costs and dangers of his continued rule are growing graver. The international community is watching the conflict closely, and the Israeli government is facing increased pressure to find a peaceful resolution.

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