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Jury Orders Robert De Niro’s Production Company to Pay $1.2 Million to Former Personal Assistant for Gender Discrimination and Retaliation

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Key takeaways:

  • The jury found Canal Productions liable for gender discrimination and retaliation, and ordered them to pay Robinson $632,142.
  • The verdict is seen as a victory for Robinson and a warning to employers that discrimination and retaliation in the workplace will not be tolerated.
  • The verdict serves as a reminder that employers must take all necessary steps to ensure a safe and equitable workplace for all employees.

On Thursday, a jury ordered Robert De Niro’s production company, Canal Productions, to pay more than $1.2 million to his former personal assistant, Graham Chase Robinson, after finding the company engaged in gender discrimination and retaliation.

Robinson, who had worked for De Niro for 10 years, filed a lawsuit against the actor and his company in August 2019, alleging she was subjected to gender discrimination, verbal abuse, and unpaid overtime. The jury found De Niro was not personally liable for the abuse, but ordered Canal Productions to make two payments of $632,142 to Robinson.

De Niro spent three days at the two week-trial, including two on the witness stand. Robinson quit in April 2019, and the two have been ensnared in dueling lawsuits since then.

The jury’s decision is being seen as a victory for Robinson, who has been fighting for justice for the past year. It is also being seen as a warning to employers that discrimination and retaliation in the workplace will not be tolerated.

The verdict serves as a reminder that employers must take all necessary steps to ensure a safe and equitable workplace for all employees. It is unclear if De Niro or Canal Productions will appeal the jury’s decision.

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