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Israeli Airstrikes in Gaza Strip Cause “Dozens” of Casualties and Potential Evacuation of Rafah Crossing

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Key takeaways:

  • Dozens of people were killed and injured in an Israeli airstrike at a refugee camp near Gaza City
  • Images showed major damage and destruction at the camp, and videos showed wounded people, including children, being brought to a nearby hospital
  • The Hamas-run government in Gaza has called for the evacuation of the Rafah crossing, and the UN has expressed concern over the airstrikes and called for an immediate end to the violence

At least dozens of people were killed and injured in the northern Gaza Strip on Wednesday after Israeli airstrikes targeted a refugee camp near Gaza City.

The Hamas-run health ministry in Gaza reported that the airstrikes at the Jabaliya refugee camp had caused “dozens” of casualties. Images obtained by Agence France-Presse showed major damage and destruction at the camp.

Al-Jazeera television aired videos of the devastation and of several wounded people, including children, being brought to a nearby hospital. The videos showed men digging through the rubble of demolished multistory buildings in search of survivors.

The Israeli military said the airstrikes targeted a top Hamas commander. In response, Hamas called for the evacuation of Rafah crossing, a major border crossing between the Gaza Strip and Egypt.

The Rafah crossing is a key route for Palestinians to access medical care, goods, and other services. In response to the airstrikes, the Hamas-run government in Gaza has called for the evacuation of the crossing.

The United Nations has expressed concern over the airstrikes and the potential evacuation of the Rafah crossing, calling for an immediate end to the violence and for the protection of civilians.

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