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Hunter Biden Files Lawsuit Against IRS Agents for Allegedly Unlawfully Sharing His Private Tax Information

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Key takeaways:

  • Hunter Biden has filed a lawsuit against the IRS alleging two agents have been unlawfully sharing his private tax information
  • The lawsuit claims the IRS agents have targeted and sought to embarrass Hunter Biden by publicly disclosing confidential information
  • Hunter Biden is seeking a court order to prevent the IRS agents from further disclosing his private tax information, as well as compensatory and punitive damages

Hunter Biden, son of President Joe Biden, has filed a lawsuit against the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in Washington, D.C. federal court. The lawsuit alleges that two IRS agents have been unlawfully sharing his private tax information amid criminal probes that have led to charges against him.

The complaint cites more than 20 nationally televised interviews by IRS supervisor Gary Shapley and another whistleblower, Joseph Ziegler, who was the tax agency’s lead case agent. It alleges that the decision to publicly disclose and disseminate Hunter Biden’s protected tax return information was done outside of the exceptions for making disclosures in the law.

The lawsuit claims that the IRS agents have targeted and sought to embarrass Hunter Biden through public statements to the media in which they and their representatives disclosed confidential information about a private citizen’s tax matters. It also states that the IRS agents have acted in a manner that is “unlawful, arbitrary, capricious, and an abuse of discretion”.

Hunter Biden is seeking a court order to prevent the IRS agents from further disclosing his private tax information. He is also seeking compensatory and punitive damages for the alleged violations of his privacy.

The IRS has yet to comment on the lawsuit. It is unclear how the case will proceed, but it is likely to be closely watched as it could have implications for the privacy of taxpayers in the future.

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