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Donald Trump Asks Supreme Court to Deny Special Counsel’s Request to Consider Presidential Immunity Claim

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Key takeaways:

  • Trump has asked the Supreme Court to deny a request from Special Counsel Jack Smith to consider Trump’s claims of presidential immunity from criminal prosecution before an appeals court.
  • Trump’s attorneys argued that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit should address the appeal first, as it is better equipped to consider the “historic topics” of the case.
  • Trump has been trying to delay the criminal cases brought against him, and this latest filing is part of his effort to do so.

Former President Donald Trump has asked the Supreme Court to deny a request from Special Counsel Jack Smith to consider Trump’s claims of presidential immunity from criminal prosecution before an appeals court. Trump’s attorneys argued that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit should address the appeal first, as it is better equipped to consider the “historic topics” of the case.

In a 44-page filing, Trump said that the court would expose itself to errors if it leapfrogged the D.C. Circuit, and accused Smith of having no interest in speeding the case up apart from a “partisan” one. Trump also accused Smith of asking the court to move at “breakneck speed.”

The Supreme Court has yet to rule on the request, but Trump’s attorneys have argued that the court should allow the appeals court to consider the case first. This would give the court the benefit of the lower court’s consideration of the “historic topics” of the case.

Trump has been trying to delay the criminal cases brought against him, and this latest filing is part of his effort to do so. It remains to be seen whether the Supreme Court will grant Trump’s request and allow the appeals court to address the case first.

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