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Fake Electors Agree to Acknowledge Joe Biden as Winner of 2020 Presidential Election

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Key takeaways:

  • Fake electors agreed to issue a statement affirming Joe Biden as the winner of the election.
  • The settlement was reached in response to a civil suit filed against the fake electors by a group of Wisconsin voters.
  • The fake electors’ agreement to acknowledge the truth of the election results is a significant step towards restoring faith in the electoral process.

In a landmark legal settlement announced Wednesday, the group of 10 Republican fake electors who submitted false certificates claiming Donald Trump won Wisconsin in the 2020 presidential election have agreed to acknowledge that their efforts were part of an attempt to improperly overturn the election results.

The fake electors agreed to issue a statement affirming that Joe Biden was the winner of the election and to not act as electors again in any election where Trump is on the ballot. The settlement was reached in response to a civil suit filed against the fake electors by a group of Wisconsin voters.

Jeff Mandell, one of the lawyers for the plaintiffs in the case, said, “Wisconsin voters have been awaiting accountability for 3 years, and it is beyond time to hold those who perpetrated this scheme responsible for their actions.”

The settlement is seen as a victory for those who have been fighting to uphold the integrity of the election process. It is also a reminder that the 2020 presidential election was a fair and accurate reflection of the will of the people.

The fake electors’ agreement to acknowledge the truth of the election results is a significant step towards restoring faith in the electoral process. It is a reminder that the American people will not tolerate attempts to undermine the legitimacy of our elections.

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