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Durham Regional Police Capture Escaped Kangaroo After It Punches Officer in the Face

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Key takeaways:

  • The Durham Regional Police responded to a call about a kangaroo hopping around Oshawa.
  • The officers were instructed on the safest ways to capture the kangaroo, and eventually grabbed her by her tail.
  • The kangaroo punched an officer in the face before it was captured, but the officer was not seriously injured.

On Monday, officers from the Durham Regional Police responded to an unlikely call from a member of the public who had seen a kangaroo hopping around in Oshawa, a city on the Lake Ontario shoreline east of Toronto. Videos had surfaced online that appeared to show the marsupial hopping along public roads in the area.

The officers were briefed on the best way to subdue a kangaroo: you grab it by its tail. After being instructed on the safest ways to capture the kangaroo, the officers approached and grabbed her by her tail, which was effective in the end.

The kangaroo had escaped while being transferred between zoos and was spotted hopping down the side of a highway by bewildered motorists who then shared videos on social media. The kangaroo eventually surrendered peacefully to the police officers.

Unfortunately, the kangaroo managed to punch an officer in the face before it was captured. The officer was not seriously injured. The kangaroo is now in the custody of a local zoo.

The Durham Regional Police said in a news release that the incident was a reminder to the public to be aware of their surroundings and to report any unusual sightings.

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