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70-Year-Old Ugandan Woman Makes History by Becoming One of the World’s Oldest New Mothers

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Key takeaways:

  • A 70-year-old woman in Uganda has made history by becoming one of the world’s oldest new mothers.
  • The birth of the twins has been hailed as an extraordinary achievement, with Dr. Sali saying that it is “delivering twins to Africa’s oldest mother at 70 years.”
  • The birth of the twins has been met with joy and celebration, with Namukwaya’s family and friends congratulating her on her remarkable achievement.

A 70-year-old woman in Uganda has made history by becoming one of the world’s oldest new mothers. Safina Namukwaya gave birth to a boy and a girl on Wednesday via cesarean section at the Women’s Hospital International Facility Center in Kampala.

Dr. Edward Tamale Sali, a fertility specialist at the Women’s Hospital International and Fertility Centre, said that the mother used a donor egg and her partner’s sperm for the in-vitro fertilization (IVF) procedure.

Arthur Matsiko, spokesman for the Women’s Hospital International Facility Center, said that Namukwaya is the oldest woman to deliver a baby at the hospital. He added that she is “walking around if they tell her to walk around the hospital.”

Namukwaya described her joy at the arrival of the twins, saying it was a “miracle.” She had a daughter at the same facility in 2020 following IVF treatment.

The birth of the twins has been hailed as an extraordinary achievement, with Dr. Sali saying that it is “delivering twins to Africa’s oldest mother at 70 years.” The proprietor of the hospital, whose name has not been released, also praised the mother for her courage and determination.

The birth of the twins has been met with joy and celebration, with Namukwaya’s family and friends congratulating her on her remarkable achievement.

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