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Geoffrey Holt Leaves Behind a Fortune of $2.5 Million to Benefit the Town of Hinsdale, New Hampshire

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Key takeaways:

  • Geoffrey Holt was an unassuming caretaker of a mobile home park in Hinsdale, New Hampshire.
  • He had amassed a fortune of $2.5 million, unbeknownst to his friends and neighbors.
  • His fortune will be put to use for the benefit of the community through a trust set up by his best friend.

Residents of Hinsdale, New Hampshire, were familiar with Geoffrey Holt, who passed away in June at age 82. Holt was known for his simple lifestyle, often seen riding his lawnmower around town or reading a newspaper along the main road. He was also known for his varied interests, such as collecting hundreds of model cars and train sets that filled his rooms, covered the couch, and extended into a shed.

Recently, it was revealed that Holt had amassed a fortune of $2.5 million, unbeknownst to his friends and neighbors. His best friend, Ed Smith, who is also the executor of Holt’s estate, learned of the fortune in recent years. Smith has set up a trust through the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation, from which organizations will be able to apply for grants, drawing from the interest, roughly about $150,000 annually.

Holt’s simple lifestyle was reflected in his home, a mobile home in the park, which was mostly empty of furniture. He had given up driving a car, and rarely left town. Town administrator Kathryn Lynch said that the town of Hinsdale will “utilize the money left very frugally as Mr. Holt did.”

Geoffrey Holt was an unassuming caretaker of a mobile home park in Hinsdale, New Hampshire. His legacy of generosity and frugality will be remembered by the town, as his fortune will be put to use for the benefit of the community.

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