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Special Counsel Jack Smith Expected to Announce Possible Criminal Charges Following Memorial Day in Investigation of Former President Donald Trump’s Refusal to Return Classified Documents

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Key takeaways:

  • Special Counsel Jack Smith is nearing the end of his investigation into former President Donald Trump’s refusal to return classified documents.
  • The investigation began after Trump refused to return documents related to his time spent at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida.
  • Sources close to the matter have indicated that possible criminal charges could be announced in the days or weeks following Memorial Day.

Special Counsel Jack Smith is nearing the end of his investigation into former President Donald Trump’s refusal to return classified documents after his election defeat. According to sources familiar with the matter, Smith is expected to announce possible criminal charges in the days or weeks following Memorial Day.

The investigation began after Trump refused to return the documents, which were related to his time spent at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida. This is not the first time the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been involved in a legal battle over the Clean Water Act.

Nearly two decades ago, Michigan resident John Rapanos attempted to fill in three wetlands on his property to make way for a shopping center. Despite warnings from state regulators that this was illegal without federal Clean Water Act permits, Rapanos proceeded with his plans. The EPA then brought a civil lawsuit against him, which he vowed to fight to the death.

Rapanos argued that his wetlands could not be navigated by boat to a federal waterway, and thus the EPA had no jurisdiction over his land. The case eventually made its way to the Supreme Court, where in a split decision in 2006, the judgment against Rapanos was overturned. However, the court did not reach a majority ruling on whether wetlands that flow into navigable waterways are subject to the Clean Water Act.

The outcome of Smith’s investigation into the Mar-a-Lago documents is yet to be seen. However, sources close to the matter have indicated that possible criminal charges could be announced in the days or weeks following Memorial Day.

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