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Posts tagged as “Dana Bash”

John Lauro’s Media Blitz on Sunday Sparks Debate Over Trump’s Alleged Attempts to Undermine 2020 Election Results

Former President Donald Trump's attorney, John Lauro, made the rounds on several news outlets to deny allegations that Trump knowingly spread lies about the 2020 election being stolen, arguing that Trump's attempts to pressure election officials were simply "free speech." Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) called Lauro's argument "deranged," and CNN's Dana Bash laughed incredulously at Lauro's suggestion that there was a "peaceful transfer of power" following the 2020 election. Lauro's media blitz was met with criticism from both sides of the aisle, with some arguing that Trump's actions were a violation of the Constitution and others feeling that Lauro's attempts to downplay the former president's actions were misguided.